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Leaving the Cradle of Winter Blues

I certainly didn't expect to catch a serious case of winter blues and abandoned my blog for four months. It's a humbling period; a struggle to up my energy and motivation. I was psychologically and spiritually restless. Now that I'm once again ready to work with my more creative side, I'd like to "air my grievances" and share why I went dark for the past couple of months. This is a hard post to write, so excuse my awkwardness that no doubt seeps through my writing.

Leaving Winter Cradle - Yellow Flowers during Sunset

8 Positive Mindsets for 2015

Key lessons I learned during a rough half of 2014. I'd like to continue cherishing them in 2015 and beyond. Hopefully you can, too! The year 2014 was not an easy year to swallow for me. By the third month, I was very much aware that I was slipping into depression....

Musank Style August 2014

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