Ronny Jaques may be a relatively unknown photographer for mainstream fashion audience, however he is one of the most innovative photographer in his class, of the same caliber of Slim Arons and Richard Avedon (the latter arguably being the most well-known).

The 2008 published “Stolen Moments: The Photographs of Ronny Jaques” by Pamela Fiori displays Ronny’s greatness; a one-man photography crew who put the most careful attention of details into his subjects and their surrounding compositions, resulting in exquisite “sculpted art” that absorb you in rich, clear, and beautiful story-telling. Some photographs seem candidly taken (hence the name “Stolen Moments”), but Ronny Jaques took complete control on how the photos all turned out.

One thing I highly recommend you do after you purchase your copy is to read the introduction section. You will get the background information of Ronny Jaques and a glimpse of his methodology from the third person perspective, as well as Pamela Fiori’s deep admiration for his splendid works. Special thanks for Pamela Fiori for curating and publishing Ronny Jaques’ best works in black/white photography (she explains in the book’s introduction that his color work “mysteriously disappeared on the watch of Holiday‘s photo editor). His selected work for Harper’s Bazaar, Town & Country, and Holiday magazines in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s is a great treasure to have for photography, fashion, or art enthusiasts.

Ronny Jaques’ extensive portfolio of couture fashion, performing artists, celebrities, as well as captures of travel and people will surely make you travel back in time. Below are several examples of Ronny Jaques’ Stolen Moments:

Photograph copyright © Ronny Jaques, from Stolen Moments by Pamela Fiori, copyright ©2009, published by Glitterati Incorporated.

His work is great and you’re bound to have favorites. Just as Pamela has the Marlon Brando photos as hers and Ronny himself has the tinker’s daughter (page 17 in the book) as one of his, I found myself drawn to the model in page 95 (is she wearing Balenciaga?) and the boys hanging out in Dublin in page 34. I found his work to be story telling first, and stylish second. Fascinating work, I tell you!

One last thing I’d like to share about “Stolen Moments”: it is humbly inspiring for photography learners to see Ronny Jaques’ work. To be this great in capturing moments with arguably less advanced technology while being a one-man photography crew….what a refreshing thought in this modern age.

Until next time,

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